Friday, June 24, 2016

Today It's My Birthday...

...Cue the Beatles song.

Last year I turned 50.  The big 5-0.  A big milestone, to be celebrated with much ado.  Unfortunately, I was still undergoing chemotherapy last year.  I was exhausted, had sores in my mouth and throat, and couldn't taste anything.  So my birthday came and went with minimal fuss. I wasn't happy about it, but what could I do?

This year, I feel much, much better. 

No reason for the picture, I just like it.
In the past, I haven't been lucky with birthday parties.  Summer birthday celebrations usually end up not happening, even for children who look forward to birthdays all year.  People are off on vacations or just don't want to bother thinking of anyone but their own family.  I stopped bothering after awhile, and started treating my birthday as just another day.  It's harder to be disappointed when you have no expectations. 

But this was my fiftieth.  Nobody else might care, but I did.  So I decided to do something. 

I'm celebrating my fiftieth.  A belated birthday, to be sure, but I'm doing it.  I called up a local restaurant, reserved the patio, and sent out an open invitation on the Book of Face.  I ordered a cake from a local bakery.  This afternoon, I will show up for my party.  I'm going to celebrate surviving another year, celebrate being healthy, celebrate being alive.  If anyone else other than my family shows up, I will be happy about it.  If it's just us, that's okay, too. 

More cake for me.  


  1. Happy Happy Birthday. You get a do-over.Wish I could be there.

  2. Sounds like a good plan. Party on girl.

  3. Happy Birthday!!! And I get it... my 4-0 was spent in the hospital, in bed, with no food for 6 days. Culminating in surgery. 41 was my do-over birthday....


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