Saturday, November 26, 2016

100 Word Challenge: Pitcher Plant

A variety of delicious aromas wafted from the house a few times a year, tantalizing and tempting.  Many a weary and hungry traveler was drawn inside by those smells. 

The home was abandoned.  The roof had collapsed long ago, leaving the bones of the house disguised in the greenery of vines. Birds nested in the vestiges of the attic; mice furtively searched for seeds on the dirt floor.  Still, the smell of roasting turkey drew travelers inside, seeking dinner. They were welcomed, before floorboards opened, a maw of darkness swallowing their screams.

The house had an appetite of its own.

I'm trying out Tara's 100 Word Challenge once more, where the word is "dinner".  Check it out!


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!