My husband is a legacy Democrat. That means that his daddy was a Democrat, his grandfather was a Democrat, and so on. And because my husband is a legacy Democrat, there have been, shall we say, shenanigans when it comes to voting. I chalk it up to the Republicans here in Texas being up to no good(and when the Democrats are in charge, I imagine the same sort of trickery occurs). Twice when Larry has gone to vote, he has been turned away, for still being registered at our old house...even though we changed our address at the same time, on the same day, at the same place. My change of address went through just fine--but I am an Independent. We shall see what happens this week, when we try for early voting.
At the last book fair, I found something...

I tried to get Zane interested, but he does not share my love of birdwatching. At least not yet. I am hopeful, though. I plan on putting in some bird houses for the spring, but I will have to figure out a way to keep Zena the Warrior Cat from getting up into the trees. Maybe some netting or something in the lower branches will freak her out and keep her feet on the ground.
At the last book fair, I found something...

I tried to get Zane interested, but he does not share my love of birdwatching. At least not yet. I am hopeful, though. I plan on putting in some bird houses for the spring, but I will have to figure out a way to keep Zena the Warrior Cat from getting up into the trees. Maybe some netting or something in the lower branches will freak her out and keep her feet on the ground.
One day this month, Amazon had as their free app of the day a thing called Ghost Radar. Intrigued, I downloaded it. It is supposed to tell you if any 'activity' occurs in the vicinity of the phone, and it also detects words that are said, too. I have run it a few times, in places that I 'know' are haunted, like the building where I work. The words that are getting picked up are rather interesting, such as the name "Lincoln". The oddest word that the Ghost Radar 'picked up', was "mill", because the street where the building is located is Mill street. Other than that, Ghost Radar has been more novelty than anything else. Halloween fun!
Speaking of Halloween fun...
I made this one day while I had a moment. I know that I won't be able to wear it after this week, but I'm enjoying myself by wearing it while I can. Those skulls look so cheerful with their little grins, which just tells me that I need to stop hitting the bead shows at the local convention center.
Tomorrow, Larry and Zane will go trick or treating dressed as Thor and Iron Man. I will stay behind for the express purpose of handing out candy. I feel that it is my duty as a homeowner to do this, plus I sort of enjoy seeing the kids walk up in their adorable little monster outfits or the cute princess costumes. But it's a school night, so I hope that the trick or treaters trickle out by 9pm. I know that part of the country will likely still be dealing with rain and maybe some snow from Hurricane Sandy, and I am a little sad that they will be missing out on the fun. Perhaps there can be a postponement of the festivities for those children? Maybe next Wednesday, when things have dried out? Think of the candy--the children!
I am over visiting Stacy at Stacy Uncorked, and she should be there, unless there's a power outage. Which there may well be, because that is what usually happens when there's a hurricane down here. I am not sure what happens on the East Coast. But stop and see what's up, and send some positive thoughts her way, just in case!
Cats and birdwatching have made for some amusing moments when a cat we once owned was so heavy handed when stalking the birds who were eating his dry food that they could see him coming for miles! So they just kept eating until he got within striking distance, then flew away! Don't underestimate bird radar!!
ReplyDeleteZena is pretty devious , and she is a very successful hunter, but I try to rescue what I can!
DeleteI will also be handing out candy to our token 3 trick-or-treaters. :) My kids have been properly bribed to stay home with 3 bags of candy each. Which is good, because it is supposed to be wet and yucky out tomorrow night.
ReplyDelete3 bags?? Shoot! Next year I am hanging at your house!
DeleteOh my! I love that bracelet! Grateful Dead fans would wear it year round...somehow I am thinking that might now be you?
ReplyDeleteThat voting thing is crazy and a little bit frightening!
I saw today that a friend of mine in CT might be involved in trunk or treating where they are all going to go to a parking lot with the stash of candy they purchased and their neighborhood can trick or treat there during the day since they are still without power.I just talked to my dad and my sister and her family are still at his place since their power is out. My parents live in a retirement type community now so I am wondering if my niece and nephew will be treating or not...maybe they could reverse and give out candy!
It's the children that I am thinking of...not the chocolate.