Saturday, August 25, 2012

Trifextra: Snake

The arm of the lascivious Queen arced gracefully as she snaked the minion, in full view of her courtiers.

He fell, stunned, at her feet.

Her guards brought the next screaming victim forward.

This weekend we want you to write a 33-word response using the name of an animal as a verb

I had snakes on the brain, because my husband received an email cautioning him to look under his car for rattlesnakes before approaching.  It seems that snakes like to hang out under cars when the sun gets too hot.  Who knew?


  1. And is it grounds to be late for work if you see one?

    1. If Larry could just video his lessons from home so he didn't have to deal with snakes, he would!

  2. I think you snaked your way to success with this one! Nice imagery!

  3. Oooooh! An evil Queen of everything! I could imagine this scene!

    1. I had an actual picture in my head while I wrote it!

  4. Wow! Now that's powerful! I really like it! :D (I like your blog too!)

  5. Yikes...this is one queen I wouldn't be anxious to see! You described the scene well.

  6. I think you buffaloed a lot of the compwtition with this one, Tina. excellent piece


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!