I'm a bad person. I should love Star Wars. I should adore Luke and Leia and their family drama. I should be excited about Anakin and his pod racing self. I should be thrilled over Han and Chewie and C-3PO.
And I am. Mostly. There isn't a woman alive who doesn't find Han Solo just plain irresistible, with his swagger and cocky smile. He may not always make the best choices, but he is witty and decisive. And Luke is the quintessential white knight on a quest to rescue the princess. It's a timeless tale for a reason. Good is good, and evil is evil, and really, there is no in between.
And Darth Vader is one of the greatest villains ever. Really. Tall, dark, with just enough under that hood to make you wonder what's underneath that mask. That guy just looks at a person and they pee their pants. And then they had to go and make those other movies. George Lucas must have been high that day.
Why did they have to muddy the waters? Anakin is an angry, whiny, entitled brat. He becomes an angry, whiny, entitled adult. He's rescued from slavery, but he leaves his mother behind. For years, he can't be bothered to go and visit her, then he's mad that when he does decide to visit, she inconveniently dies on him. This is supposed to be the reason that he starts turning to the dark side. He doesn't want to follow the rules of the Jedi, so he breaks them when he feels like it, such as secretly marrying Padme and fathering twins. But then he gets angry when the Jedi don't promote him to master because he doesn't follow the freakin' rules of their order.
How am I supposed to have empathy for that? How am I supposed to like that guy? Why am I supposed to care that he becomes Darth Vader? I get it--the road to the dark side is paved with good intentions. I'm supposed to feel sorry for poor Anakin. He meant well, after all. He just wanted to keep his loved ones safe. That's why he killed all those people. Anakin is just misunderstood.
I hate that crap. Even if Vader is ultimately redeemed by his final act, he is still a Big Bad. There's no reason to feel sorry for him. He made his own choices, even if he was manipulated into choosing poorly. To make him the dupe, doing the wrong things for the "right" reasons, cheapens the story and makes an excellent villain somehow less than he should be.
And it's annoying. Stop it.

It is the myth that people are bad because they are made. Sometimes people are bad from by choice. Sometimes because they are sociopaths or psychopaths. Sometimes circumstances turn people into bad people. Sometimes people take the high road because it is their choice too.
ReplyDeleteI plan to watch the flick but I get what you are saying.
I just felt like Vader's redemption at the end of Return of the Jedi was a much bigger deal without all that.
DeleteSee, now you've made me want to watch the whole damn sequels, prequels, and whatevers. I stopped after the second Star Wars because I couldn't stand Leia's hairstyle. Sigh. Curiosity compels me. Thanks for linking up, Tina. (P.S. You've got a microstories badge/link instead of the nonfic.)
ReplyDeleteI knew it had to be something I did. Technology is sometimes beyond me! Thanks!
DeleteI cannot help it. I am one of those whose is counting the days to the new star wars. I am actually glad he made those prequels. I always wondered how and why Darth Vader became who he is. It's that drama that got me hooked and to know that there was still some good in all that badass evil was brilliant. I don't feel sorry for Anakin but at it was nice to see him reunited with his masters in the end. Now can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI've never been a Star Wars girl. My two nieces, on the other hand, are huge fans. Nice article. :)
ReplyDeleteSo, the first three, I loved. The three prequels sucked. The writers were different and that's why. I am super excited for the new one. Ha!
ReplyDeleteI was twelve when the original Star Wars came out. It was magic! I thought that Empire Strikes Back had a great story. The Ewoks tried to ruin Return of the Jedi, but it was still fairly strong.
ReplyDeleteRe: prequels
Episode I was all right. Two was bearable though full of plot holes, and three made me want to take out my light saber and start slashing!