Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Thoughts, symbols, pictures, words
Quickly flow past my dim sight
Into my narrow brain.
Ideas flood every cell,
Seducing, cajoling, persuading
And worm the darkest ignorance out of me
With each blessed page.

The prompt is the third definition of WORM.


  1. Oooh, now I want to sit on the couch and read all day (more than I already did(

  2. You've captured very well that transformation given through the written word.

  3. Creative use of 33 words. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh yeah! So many black holes, so little time!

  5. You captured it brilliantly, Tina! Oh how those blessed pages have the power to transform us!

    (And now, Mr. Fitzgerald is calling, and I'm ready to be enlightened some more.) ;)

  6. when I read this the other day, I said.."She's just so cool! That's why I like her!"
    I've been reading a lot lately and I fell in love again with words. It's the best kind of "affair" ;)

  7. This is so beautiful - in thought and in execution.

  8. Wow! I love this! What a wonderful description. The first two lines remind me of how I struggle to keep my eyes open at night: "Just... one... more... page... zzzzzz........"

  9. I constantly have my nose in pages of the written word (just finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; what a ride!). This is a perfect description.

  10. Ohhhh yeah. The power of the written word. Thanks for linking up.


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!