
Monday, April 1, 2013

A to Z Blog Challenge Kickoff

All right!  Here it is April, and it is time for the annual A to Z Blog Challenge.  I am excited to be able to participate again this year.  I actually start looking forward to following the alphabet, but I'm geek-ish.  It's a thing.

The A to Z Blog Challenge was started by Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out  way back in 2010.   The challenge has probably grown bigger than he every could have imagined, even by internet standards.  I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Arlee for his efforts over the years.  Thank you Arlee!!!!  (I was going to title this blog "Arlee Bird, Come On Down!" Honest.  But then I thought about those readers who were not around to remember Bob Barker, and I restrained myself.)

Now, the goal for the A to Z Blog Challenge is to post something each day that begins with the letter specified.  Today, all of the blogs involved in the challenge will have the letter 'A' as the first letter in their post. I started my blog with the letter 'A' and the title with the same letter.  Clever, isn't it?  I am going to try very hard to keep up with my creative writing buddies, Write On Edge and Trifecta Writing Challenge, as well as other memes.  I think I have enough brain power to please everyone, but I'm mainly going to please myself.  At writing.  Writing.  Eyes up here!

Some bloggers are more creative than others, published authors, artists, and all,  but the variety just makes reading more fun. My friend over at Surviving Boys is going with a Pinterest theme, and my blog bestie Andrea over at Maybe It's Just Me is playing too, with her Angsty 80's sing-a-long.  Lots of people to meet and blogs to read for the month of April, so I'd best get started.  I hope that you will join me as much as you can during this month.   

As Dr. Suess says, "Oh, the places you will go!"


  1. Coming over from the A-Z challenge...great to meet so many fellow bloggers!

  2. Thanks for the reminder to acknowledge Arlee Bird in our first post. I'll visit your Bloggy friends when I have a chance, I'm still in CA.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  3. It has been a long time since I did a blog hop like this--and it is a great way to meet new people. Way to start off the the month! Happy "A" Day!

  4. Good luck everyone taking part! I'm doing my first A-Z Challenge! :) It's so great to interact with so many other bloggers from so many "walks of life"!

    1. Welcome aboard! Glad that you're joining us!

  5. Thanks for the shout out, dear! It is nice to have some alphabetical order to our blogging lives, isn't it? Have fun Awesome Ally! (that might be all of the alliteration I can muster this year!)


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!