
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Don't Mess with Mama

For this weekend's challenge we're asking you to include some hyperbole in your piece.  It doesn't have to be the whole piece, but it needs to be in there, and we're looking for 33 words, as usual. For my non-English teacher types, hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a way of adding emphasis to a story.  It is not meant to be taken literally, but to form a more vivid picture in the mind of the listener. 

Our cat Zena, who weighs a whopping 8lbs, has 'adopted' our puppy Maisy, who weighs a demure thirty pounds. We did not realize just how much Zena cared until one night when I found two adult raccoons on the patio---after I had opened the door and let Maisy outside. When I saw the prompt, that is what immediately came to mind.

She exploded from the house like a growling, furry, ballistic missile, her tiny body hurtling toward the trespasser, and the startled raccoons were last seen frantically leaping over the fence into the night.


  1. Ferocious kitty! I hope they turn out to be real pals!

  2. Those 33 words paint a really great picture.

    1. It was a pretty vivid scene. Those raccoons could have torn Zena to shreds, if they weren't such fraidy cats!

  3. The best defense is a furry missile as offense.

  4. Awesome! I can totally picture this - wonderfully written, great imagery! And what a cool cat you have.

    1. She has turned out to be just wonderful. A friend of mine found her as a kitten wandering around a truck stop, and she's always surprising us!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! We have tons of such Zena stories, and she's only a year old!

  6. Wow. This is great. I love the images here. Great language, great use of the prompt! :)

  7. enjoyed the imagery (and the behind the scenes story)

  8. awesome

    we have a 95 lb boy golden retriever and a 15lb female cat. Guess which one rules the house?

    1. I've decided that cats rule just by the force of their attitude!

  9. I can see it all so clearly!! Cats have no fear!!

    1. Truly, Zena fears nothing. Our other cat, Pounce, fears everything, and hardly ever comes out from under the bed. Go figure!

  10. awesome cat you have there! a real keeper

  11. This is great! (: It paints such a great image of the launching cat lol And I thought my cat was ferocious for growling at my apartment door when she hears footsteps! xD

  12. Ooo-what a loyal friend!Loved the use of hyperbole tremendously:-)

  13. Seriously the smaller lady cats are ferocious protectors! You have been shock and awed raccoons, shock and awed.

    I had one too that adopted a puppy that grew to be almost 80 pounds. Once she was sure that she had protected him from all the evils in the world, she used him as a ride around the neighborhood!

  14. Who needs a dog when you have an attack cat? ;) Fun entry!

  15. This has the ring of truth! Cats seem able to see off most attackers. Good story.


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!